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1 Sounds like this condition is the rub after your boy, in hot conditions (9)
9 Cut off the North, between the rose and the leek (6)
10 This red mitten can do some damage (9)
11 In the mood, for a game piece or a half-mask (6)
12 For the bigot to ascertain (9)
13 This young feline upgraded initially to a thousand, for a warm hand (6)
17 If I had this little light, I would have done nothing (3)
19 Ugh, without you around, is not slow and not gold (7)
20 XINXE is severe, I hear (7)
21 The Reverend Mother lost her donkey and came back, on her way out to sea (3)
23 Not so esoteric, to tell the tale (6)
27 Mai, what a tumult, for the final demand (9)
28 Heat rays in the spit, a djinn (6)
29 Not B little it around, for a tickle (9)
30 This stranger is no saint, alone with a gg called Ag (6)
31 It’s torn, reckoned after a fine fabric (9)
2 Neville is after you before the North, patchy (6)
3 This priest is about for a magical little one (6)
4 Note, about a thousand went with Noah's craft (6)
5 Sounds like you can get bargain relations down south (7)
6 Sounds like the young horse I had eaten, to take the leaves off (9)
7 Bitten the fig, how appropriate (9)
8 Reads on the media, lightweights after Anne (9)
14 Sounds like a certain support for her after a thousand, although open to be fired through (9)
15 These acorns fit into parts (9)
16 You and me are back and dirtied, without interruption (9)
17 This revolutionary has lost out in the lychee, but stays caustic (3)
18 Summon back (3)
22 It's all in a degree, over in the West (7)
24 504 I have had, to cut it up (6)
25 The bloomer, father and fifty one in a laugh (6)
26 In a relative way, she goes north after Oz with a cravat (6)
Full Solution
1 sunstroke.
SUN [ son = your boy] + STROKE [ rub]
9 Severn.
10 detriment.
RED + MITTEN [anagram]
11 domino.
IN + MOOD [anagram]
12 sectarian.
ASCERTAIN [anagram]
13 mitten.
[K] + ITTEN replace K with M
17 led.
[ID] + LED
19 mercury.
Not slow =quick, not gold = silver i.e.QUICKSILVER = HG = mercury
20 intense.
IN in between X’s i.e. TENS + E sounds like INTENSE
21 ebb.
A +[ BBE] + SS, back
23 recite.
E + [SO] + TERIC [anagram]
27 ultimatum.
MAI + TUMULT [anagram]
28 spirit.
SP +[ IR = infra red rays] + IT
29 titillate.
Not B i.e. A + LITTLE + IT [anagram]
30 ranger.
[ST] + RANGER {the Lone Ranger and his horse [gg] called Silver [Ag=chemical symbol for Silver]}
31 lacerated.
2 uneven.
U + NEV + EN
3 sprite.
PRIEST [anagram]
4 remark.
RE + M + ARK
5 Kinsale.
6 defoliate.
DE[the] + FOL[foal] + I + ATE
7 befitting.
BITTEN + FIG [anagram]
8 Announces.
14 embrasure.
EM [sounds like M= a thousand] + BRA + SURE
15 Fractions.
ACORNS + FIT [anagram]
16 sustained.
SU [ us back] + STAINED
17 lye.
LY + [CHE] + E
18 dib.
22 Ballina.
B + [ALL + IN] + A
24 divide.
DIV [Roman numeral 501] + IDE
25 dahlia.
DA + H + [LI] + A
26 auntie.
AU + N + TIE
Hi Tommy,
Enjoyed your crossword today, and surprised myself by getting a tantara.
It looked very daunting initially, but gradually it began to fall into place.
A lot of nice clues. Some favourites were DOMINO, RANGER, LACERATED, INTENSE, MERCURY, DEFOLIATE.
Thanks for a nice challange
Hi Tommy and Eleanor,
I'm late getting to the puzzle this week, as I am just settling down after my road trip.
I raced through today's puzzle, in just under one (large) mug of Barry's finest blend, but I just missed my tantara with a poor guess for AMBRASURE (I put in AMBRASERE).
My favorite clue/answer was SEVERN; loved the twist on the old chestnut, using the leek and the rose.
SECTARIAN read really well, so the fact that there was an anagram eluded me for some time. MERCURY's clue was very clever, and doubly cryptic. As I always love the Irish references, loved BALLINA too.
I won't exactly sound out the tocsins for this one, as I did get so close!
Keep 'em coming, Tommy!
PS: The link to "See the solutions" is broken, as far as I can tell. I had to click on the image of the solved grid to open up the larger version of the solution.
Hi Bill,
sorted those links, and thanks for the comments
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