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See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
8 This degree and pi give a pure line age (8)
9 A rough edge before around here, is in the west (6)
10 Leased in the river, wipe it out (6)
11 Nothing doing, in this positive charge (8)
12 California circle, I’ve got that loving feeling (6)
13 Neither the seaman nor Malcolm are freakish (8)
15 I will, in the sea (4)
17 The candle is about to go out, on the east coast (7)
19 This noisy snake has lost its head after tea, what a gossip (7)
22 Sounds just like an Irishman from abroad (4)
24 Sonar B, I hear, carried by C (8)
27 This young man was in a desperate condition during May (6)
29 The officer and the mortar, can get you there by road (5-3)
30 Music for one voice, temperamental around the North (6)
31 At last I have the greens for my salad (6)
32 Fish and two Queens, loiters aimlessly (8)
1 Look Patrick, it's about the old money in Spain (6)
2 A ABBA tells us where you are from (8)
3 One horse at the opera, did not play the notes simultaneously (8)
4 Declan, I am Alan, can we come to the point (7)
5 No thanks in the container to get this (6)
6 Right after this container, after the blast (6)
7 Reckon on nothing after the last month, to give him a medal (8)
14 Danje, merci or danke here, not the first Greek to me (4)
16 A bird like this, on the Nile (4)
18 Hard to jump, sounds like I am stuck in the cold (3-5)
20 This man tamer, wanted for a war (8)
21 Thanks before Easter Edward, you are given the present (8)
23 The French brief is about, and running a fever (7)
25 This smell is all right, that is a better (6)
26 This brace has lost it’s head, what a din (6)
28 This river is not even back in the red (6)
Full Solution
8 pedigree.
DEGREE + PI [anagram]
9 Burren.
BURR + EN [the letter before O - the ring]
10 delete.
DE + [LET} +E
11 inaction.
IN + CATION[anagram}
12 caring.
13 abnormal.
15 isle.
ISLE sounds like I’ll
17 Wicklow.
19 tattler.
[R] + ATTLER replace the R with T
22 afar.
AFAR sound like A + FEAR[Gaelic for man]
24 seaborne.
SONAR + BEE [anagram]
27 malady.
MA + [LAD] + Y
29 motor-car.
CO + MORTAR [anagram]
30 monody.
MO + [N] + ODY
31 endive.
32 lingerer.
1 peseta.
SEE + PAT [anagram]
2 limerick.
LIMERICK rhyme scheme AABBA
3 arpeggio.
I + GG + OPERA [anagram]
4 decimal.
5 obtain.
O + B [TA] IN
6 crater.
7 decorate.
14 beta.
BE [ Belgium] + TA [thank you]
16 swan.
[A] + SWAN [ city on the Nile]
18 ice-bound.
ICE [hard] + BOUND
20 armament.
MAN TAMER [anagram]
21 talented.
TA + LENT + ED = gifted
23 febrile.
BRIEF [anagram] + LE
25 bookie.
BO + OK + IE
26 racket.
28 Dodder.
D + ODD + ER

Sorry for being slow to comment ... I'm on the road as you know. But ...
... I am now 2-in-a-row now against Athos! I have to say that either I am getting to know your style more and more, or you are hitting the sweet spot with your puzzles. My overall impression today was that I was doing a puzzle from M. Crosaire. Please take that as a tremendous compliment. If it wasn't for your trademark CATION and DECIMAL, I'd swear it was the man himself. Really, really, great job. The whole thing took me about 20 mins, about average for a Crosaire puzzle for me.
I like your use of the Crosaire grids. It helps give the puzzle that Crosaire feel, I think. Crosaire grids aren't the most well-respected, I think, as they can sometimes leave you stranded in one corner or another without many connections to other parts of the puzzle. But, they work really well in the context of a Crosaire "spin-off".
Favorite clues:
INACTION: Trademark Athos with the CATION reference.
WICKLOW: Just superb. The Clue of the Day for me. Immensely clever.
AFAR: As always, I love the Irish references, but especially the ones where you have to be part of the secret club to know the answer. No solver in the UK or America would get this one!
DECIMAL: copyright Athos!
OBTAIN/CRATER: Great doublet with "container" usage.
ARMAMENT: Loved the "man tamer" anagram. It's vaguely retro and vampish! And the anagram fits the answer, which is so rare. 2nd favorite for me.
DODDER: Loved it mainly because I lived beside it and went to school beside it for so many years ...
SWAN: I didn't get the A-SWAN reference though, till I read your explanation. "Dam" fine clue :o)
Keep bringing them on, Tommy ...
Hi Tommy,
As you, I am also a big fan of the Crosaire and from viewing Bill's Blog over the past while, I have finally had the courage to make my own blog with Crosaire style crosswords. I just set it up today but have No.1 up already. If you want to give it a try, then I would much appreciate it.
Keep up the good run on the dailies.
All the best,
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