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The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
1 This war camp and the little one, on the floor of a cave? (10)
6 Meat on a stick lacks potassium, give it back to the little one (4)
10 Ah, you and 510, I hear (5)
11 Where this ruler had his meal, and ruled (9)
12 What a pain, The Saint and the US agents were around twice (8)
13 Over one foot, to the North around the lake (5)
15 Put it in the rock and stir it up (7)
17 This Mandarin, in the Orient he fired before the rest (7)
19 Hang on you greens, to the Italian and his doctor after ten (7)
21 This lobster keeps his head high while he sleeps (7)
22 On ahead again, on ahead again (5)
24 This is an immaculate concept, for the saints on the poles (8)
27 Not in continuous, harmless really (9)
28 100 x E. Sounds like you should stop (5)
29 He’s the mother of the French (4)
30 Look back on, the rocky mountaintop is around in respect (10)
1 If the sheath is cut by Shakespeare, he’ll break no strike (4)
2 This is much more serious than a child sleeping (9)
3 Is this where you get the smell of Italian coffee? (5)
4 You’re in 1004 to the East, stupid. That’s big (7)
5 After tea, I will grow old, like the crops in the field (7)
7 It is a surprise to be taken by this (5)
8 Holmes, “that’s easy for you to say” (10)
9 Very nice. ‘ER House is like this (8)
14 You can blooming well eat the lot of this autumn stir (10)
16 Tunes at speed, above the ground (8)
18 No will of his own, in the trial before he had eaten (9)
20 Fifty one’s and more, so graceful (7)
21 These wardrobes need no advertisement for the viewer (7)
23 It could be Royal, or could it be Grand (5)
25 This grass-hopper has lost its tail to become a set of points (5)
26 Swords into ploughshares after this, Is. (4)
Full Solution
1 stalagmite.
6 babe.
[K] + EBAB [ backwards ]
10 audio.
A + U + D + IO
11 sultanate.
12 sciatica.
ST + CIA +CIA[anagram]
13 ankle.
N + LAKE [anagram]
15 agitate.
IT + A + GATE [anagram]
17 elitist.
E + LIT+ IST [first place, ahead of the rest]
19 tendril.
TEN + DR + IL [he, male Italian]
21 bolster.
LOBSTER [anagram]
22 recap.
24 spotless.
STS + POLES[anagram]
27 innocuous.
CON [T] INUOUS [ no-T lose the T, anagram]
28 cease.
100 =C + EASE = E’s
29 male.
30 retrospect.
RE + TRO [TOR around] + SPECT
1 scab.
SCAB + BARD [delete BARD]
2 abduction.
Kid napping = ABDUCTION
3 aroma.
4 massive.
M [1000] + ASS [stupid] + IV [four] + E [East]
5 tillage.
T + I’LL + AGE
7 aback.
8 elementary.
ELEMENTARY, as said by Sherlock Homes
9 palatial.
ER House= queen’s palace = PALATIAL
14 nasturtium.
AUTUMN + STIR [anagram]
16 airspace.
18 intestate.
IN + TEST[trial] + ATE
20 lissome.
L + I’S [one’s] + SOME
21 browser.
W +[A] + R +[D] + ROBES [delete ADvertisement, anagram]
23 canal.
The ROYAL canal or the GRAND canal in Ireland
25 locus.
26 beat.
‘BEAT swords into ploughshares’, Isaiah II
Solved Grid
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I almost, almost got you this week. I missed BEAT as I didn't know the quote. I also had one wrong, ADDICTION in place of ABDUCTION (nice clue though!)
Clues of note, to me anyway :o)
SULTANATE: nice clue.
RECAP: Love the quirkiness of this clue ... very clever indeed.
INNOCUOUS: Brilliant use of "not" to mean "no-t".
MALE: simple and pithy, and my favorite clue.
SCAB: another nice clue.
ABDUCTION: a clever clue, and one that beat me.
AIRSPACE: lovely wording.
CANAL: The Irish touch is lovely, and so important!
LOCUS: Another one of your specialty physics/maths clues ... lovely.
I reckon I am sneaking up on you, Tommy, and will get you next week!
Hi Tommy
This was my favourite of your puzzles so far....found the clues much more accessible and a quirkiness that brought a few wry smiles...
...and interestingly, I fell at the same hurdle as Bill..BEAT...I had commented on his page earlier that I was stuck for 26d in yours....and hoping for divine intervention...THAT didn't happen...small wonder when my downfall was a quotation from Isaiah...
Really liked a lot of the clues today, particularly...LOCUS, SULTANATE, INNOCUOUS, RECAP, BROWSER, BABE, SCAB, AIRSPACE and CANAL.
I think you got a much nicer mix of clue types going today and the reduced number of anagrams hit the right spot for me...made me enjoy the ones you did include, particularly SCIATICA and NASTURTIUM (and BROWSER and INNOCUOUS with deletions as well).
Thanks for throwing light on 17a ELITIST...I didn't cop where the IST came from til I read your explanation!
Many thanks Tommy....hoping a clear round will be but an ELEMENTARY exercise next week...haha....!
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