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See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

8 With a crate of ale you can go on the tear (8)
9 The coolest cat to come without the South (6)
10 You cannot do any more than this (6)
11 This seller is about the ends of the end (8)
12 Woe is this, is the ebb and flow (6)
13 This flowering plant needs drainage (8)
15 No writer, not closed (4)
17 A nice ode, coined in the East, will dull the pain (7)
19 Sounds like we have the track ‘ere, for a breather (7)
22 This keeper has been topped and tailed by a sword (4)
24 Lies by the Lee, we can do it (8)
27 I, am not insincere, in the cinema (6)
29 Is Edward back over the trot, after a drink from this (8)
30 Rutabaga with the North, and in the weeds (6)
31 Sounds like you got it wrong eight times, how refreshing (6)
32 This is no grand threesome, to stretch your shoes on (8)
1 No toper in the bale, but still a fight (6)
2 No detective in the gene, what a slaughter (8)
3 All worshipping here, around for the fry up (8)
4 Gaze at a long time, and see a noble group (7)
5 Around about when you expect to arrive, on the head, of the river (6)
6 If you gorge like this, how can you fit through such a narrow place (6)
7 The river is around the Forth after the numbers, it seems is in a sharp decline (4-4)
14 Your mother’s sister was here before, I hear (4)
16 D’ye ken this huntsman, even before he took off his skin (4)
18 Hard to dream like this, you see (4-4)
20 Alternatively, after it is in the rest, it might reduce your current outgoings (8)
21 These eight, about five sail fast to protect (8)
23 This lady of 4 down, ships east after the harbour wall, I hear (7)
25 This holy beetle in denial, sounds like. A wound mark on a sailor (6)
26 The bar about the man in the water (6)
28 One side, before noon (6)
Full Solution
8 lacerate.
CRATE + ALE [anagram]
9 ocelot.
COOLE [S] T [anagram without the S]
10 utmost.
11 retailer.
12 betide.
13 gardenia.
15 open.
17 codeine.
NICE + ODE [anagram] or COINED + E [anagram]
19 trachea.
22 épée.
[K] + EEPE + [R] [anagram lose the K and the R]
24 feasible.
Lies = FIBS + LEE [anagram]
27 screen.
S + [I] + NCERE [anagram without I]
29 decanter.
30 Sweden.
SWEDE(rutabaga)+ N and N + WEEDS [anagram]
31 aerate.
AER (err) + ATE (eight)
32 shoetree.
THREESO + [M] + E [anagram without M = 1000= grand]
1 battle.
BA + TT(no toper = teatotaller) + LE
2 genocide.
GEN + O + CID + E
3 pantheon.
4 peerage.
Gaze= PEER + AGE = a long time
5 boater.
Around = ORB +ETA =arrival time [ anagram ] a type of hat
6 defile.
Gorge = DEFILE
7 nose-dive.
NOS + ED + IV +E
14 ante.
Aunty sound like ANTE
16 peel.
D’ye ken John PEEL
18 open-eyed.
20 resistor.
RES + IS + T + OR
21 corvette.
OCTET + RE + V [anagram]
23 peeress.
Pier sound like PEER + E + SS
25 scarab.
26 bather.
THE + BAR [anagram]
28 eleven.
Puzzle for printing.
Double-click (left mouse button) on the image, then right-click and select Print Picture from the drop-down menu. For best result, select Landscape oientation from your printer's Preferences.

Hi Tommy,
It's almost 40 Celsius here today, too warm to do much more in the back garden, so I decided to pull up your puzzle this afternoon and work on it with a cold beer. Just the ticket!
But, you battered me today. I missed OCELOT, BOATER, AERATE, DEFILE, FEASIBLE and CORVETTE.
Clues of note:
9A: OCELOT ... missed this, but didn't mind as it was a good clue. Nice subtraction.
11A: RE-TAIL-ER ... I came up with -- About (RE) the end(s) (TAIL) but don't see the last -ER. You don't answer my questions in your commentary, so maybe I am missing something, as usual!
27A: SCREEN ... lovely clue. Reads well and the use of the "in" in "insincere" is brilliant! Perfectly disguised.
31A: AERATE ... I might have gotten this one if the clue had read "Sounds like you GET it wrong eight times, i.e. ERR EIGHT. With GOT in the clue I was thinking ERRED EIGHT, in the past tense, and it threw me.
1D: BATTLE ... got it, even though I had no idea what a toper was!
26D: BA(THE)R ... another great clue. I just couldn't see the use of THE for ages, and it was right in front of me. Nicely disguised again.
28D: ELEVEN ... my favorite clue. Simple, pithy, unambiguous, and took me ages to spot!
The best clues for me were ELEVEN, BATHER and SCREEN, without a doubt. I was less fond of the clues where I had to work hard to find the words for the anagram, when there is no anagram indicated. e.g. FEASIBLE and BOATER.
I also got a very legible printout, but I'll talk to you about that via email, Tommy.
I enjoyed my couple of cold ones with you! Well, with your puzzle ...
Hi Bill,
glad you enjoyed it. Maybe someday we might share a few cold ones.
11 Across RE + TAIL + ER, my idea is the two RE's on the ends of, and one of them "about", the TAIL(end).
31 Across You have got me there, yes it is a mistake, I really do need the benefit of your earlier proofing, I will talk to you about that later.
1 Down with the TOPER, tope was used recently, 15 June 2009 in Crosaire 13872, you included an update after Barry's comment, are you having one of your "lest Ed" moments
Thx for the RETAILER expalanation. I should have seen that!
Definitely a senior moment about TOPER. I am begining to wonder if the Lookup of the Day feature in the Crosaire blog is doing me any good at all! Too much toping over the years probably ...
Looking forward to your next puzzle, Tommy.
Hi Tommy and Bill,
Well, I didn't fare any better than fact interestingly I missed out on the same magic number - SIX elusive solutions.
But methinks we were using opposite sides of the old brains for this one Bill....CORVETTE and DEFILE were our only shared failures....'my very own' other four were...!
ÉPEE...know how, those damn weapons again!
SCREEN..I wish, great clue match my to be co-ordinated, you understand!
A few clues that I particularly liked took me a long time...but were worth the effort....
OCELOT...'the coolest cat to come without the South'...the coolest of clues! the ETA ref. quickly but ORB eluded me for ages...I really liked all parts of this transported me to Oxford Tommy! Bill, just didn't see the very well hidden THE...and it right befront of me...extremely devious...
ANTE...nice and simple...also references to AUNTIE usually yield ANTI so this was a nice departure...
The ones I missed but WISH I'd got were:
NOSE-DIVE...didn't make the Forth/fourth/iv connection....I was time travelling around the Scottish Highlands...
SCREEN...a fabulous clue wasted on me! INcredible use of 'in' in 'insincere'
....and thank you Tommy, there were less anagrams! ...19 last week, 12 this week...yes, I'm counting!
It was still a weeee bit tough for me Tommy....but then...'when the going gets tough, the tough get going'!
I'll be back in fighting form for the 007 challenge...move over James Bond!
Thanks Tommy
Hi Liz,
it looks like you had some fun, that is the whole idea.
Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to give me the feedback.
The PEERESS clue.
Lady of 4 down, female of the PEERAGE = PEERESS
Harbour wall gives PIER = PEER I hear
East = E and ships SS, stands for Steam-Ship
Put it all together, PEER + E + SS
Hi Tommy
Sorry for putting you to the trouble of explaining PEERESS...I wasn't very clear in my comment....when I said '' I actually meant 'how the hell did I miss that'!
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