Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page, with solution and explanations on two following pages.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
1 After a stint in ices, he came up with a theory (9)
9 Runs rings around every year, I hear (6)
10 If hard comes after the water colours and oils, it may escape (8)
11 Her husband Burns and she is confused, like rage 101 (6)
12 The editor swears about standing for a photograph (6)
14 I didn’t know that Jane had the lowest lake down under (4)
15 One of the two artists is back after the hundreds, that is how they were located (5)
16 Sounds like your aim is back to front, in liquid waste (6)
18 The first back to make a mistake after a thousand is this square here (7)
21 To give a gift to the gods, it has to be pure back after it’s not on (5,2)
24 Please, pass by time (6)
26 Sounds like this bloomer would like to throw a party (5)
30 Yes mother, it sounds like an Indian death god (4)
31 You have a gift if you can get a fifty under canvas (6)
32 Suck these lemons and you too can be serious (6)
33 Mostly in the air and the North (8)
34 Teach English as a foreign language? No, you would never stick to it (6)
35 It’s all a blur in this din Edward, not restrained (9)
2 You could blow away five from this convert (6)
3 He could die around this mountain top or just be here (6)
4 Followed this in a detecting type of way, thanks, I brought up the lead (6)
5 I have seen people cry at the appearance of the place (7)
6 This Irish river and the nun, won’t let you sleep at night (6)
7 With three strings I hear fifty and a hard drum (8)
8 Not a true Dubliner if you were born beyond the light of these (4,5)
11 Gee, what a collar for an ill-humoured person (5)
13 With fifty gone off the rails, these foreign ladies can now be dressed (4)
17 It’s unusually great, sounds like I am the males in the city (9)
19 Its about Albert and his way of living, no theory here (4,4)
20 You could take this canoe there (5)
22 Sounds like you could take a picture of this beastly park down south (4)
23 Quiet please, she is on this river here (7)
25 I hear the clash of this icon (6)
27 Decays back around your thanks, as the rotor goes around it (6)
28 A nine hundred and fifty on hundreds, its nuts (6)
29 These joints below the south, sounds like you have a cold (6)
Full Solution
1 scientist.
STINT + ICES [anagram]
9 annuli.
Sounds like ANNUALLY
10 artifice.
11 Gracie.
RAGE + CI [anagram]
12 depose.
14 eyre.
15 radar.
RA + D + AR
16 uremia.
18 Merrion.
M + ERR + I ON [ number one back]
21 offer up.
24 elapse.
PLEASE [anagram]
26 hosta.
30 Yama.
31 talent.
T + A + L + ENT
32 solemn.
LEMONS [anagram]
33 nitrogen.
34 Teflon.
35 unbridled.
BLUR + DIN + ED [anagram]
2 cornet.
CON + [V] +ERT deletion anagram
3 editor.
DIE + TOR [anagram]
4 tailed.
TA + I + LED
5 scenery.
6 snorer.
S + NORE + R
7 dulcimer.
L + ICE + DRUM [anagram]
8 Five Lamps.
FIVE + LAMPS [ Dublin landmark]
11 gruff.
13 sari.
RAI + [L] + S deletion anagram
17 immensity.
IM + MEN + SITY [ sounds like city]
19 real life.
20 ocean.
CANOE [anagram]
22 Fota.
FOTA sounds like photo
23 Shannon.
25 symbol.
SYMBOL soynds like cymbal
27 stator.
S + TA + TOR
28 almond.
A + L M + ON + D
29 sneeze.
S + NEEZE [ sounds like knees]
Hi Tommy,
I can see the same printing problem noticed by Liz and Moley. I use Google Chrome as my browser, and when I try to access your .pdf files I get the "file damaged" message. Even the link to the "see the solution" doesn't work.
However, I switched to Internet Explorer, and everything works fine. I can't explain what is happening. I checked the links to last Sunday's WEB crossword in Google Chrome, and they work just fine, even though they are using .pdf files from the same site. Maybe it has something to do with how you are producing the .pdf file itself?
SunWeb14 is another great puzzle, Tommy. I fairly raced through the first half of the clues, then slowed down, particularly in the NE corner. I ground to a halt in the end, missing two correct answers. I had nothing for NITROGEN, for which I deserve to lose my B. Sc. in Chemistry! I guessed URAMEA for UREMIA, which was my only other "miss". I'm still kicking myself over NITROGEN.
My notes:
EYRE: I didn't know about Lake Eyre! Nicely worded clue ...
ELAPSE: a lovely, pithy clue ... the kind I admire!
FIVE LAMPS: I am ashamed to say (maybe because I'm a southsider) that I did not know the FIVE LAMPS "rule".
REAL LIFE: nice, classic clue.
OCEAN: Clue of the Day for me. A well-spotted anagram, that slips nicely into the clue.
SYMBOL: Another nice one.
STATOR: and what would a SunWeb puzzle be without your signature "physi-clue"!!
Thanks for the idea of printing the commentary with the puzzle. I started doing that recently, copying you! My clue explanations tend to be a little wordy, so I ended up with some small type, but I think it worked.
Thanks for a very entertaining half-hour, Tommy
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