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1 Crawl around this inland town (6)
4 Unquestioning, I am quiet and with fifty I see it (8)
9 One hundred and fifty and a little bit, what a hug (6)
10 To abuse like this is all trite (3-5)
12 Ever inverse that is, a strange feeling (5)
13 Sociable, to solidify around the North (9)
15 With fifty this can kill (3)
16 With no detectives in the accident, to play it out (5)
17 Sounds like Natalie came back and played with the sailor from the Isles (6)
22 Inactive, but not early up North before tea (6)
24 Taxi to the artist, north of the Liffey (5)
27 Ingrate (3)
28 The French termite tells how high (9)
31 This consumer is eastern, with no polar influences (5)
32 This go-getter sounds like he has used a blender (5,3)
33 On in the wheel cover up North (6)
34 Generate a healthy infusion (5,3)
35 What remains of broken brides (6)
1 Clock about East to get you up in the morning (8)
2 Sounds like a genuine Irish course, to keep you on the straight and narrow (8)
3 Short race with a baton wielder (9)
5 Fifty in the main has a head up north (5)
6 After fifty I can still be the supple one (5)
7 The circle of a holy man (6)
8 Thank the non-drinker for the French babble (6)
11 This reaper might be chesty (6)
14 With pitch this might have a bull (3)
18 The sailor has spent too much, slow down (6)
19 A cheap tyre is not the original (9)
20 Have a riot back with a bat and some beasts will die here (8)
21 In this there can be just ice and beauty (8)
23 Of course you can start here (3)
25 Does this little one wear an 'airpiece on its 'earer (6)
26 Did the saint drive a horse or take a walk (6)
29 Whether or not, its head is opposite 5 down (5)
30 Not bitter, these people (5)
Full Solution
1 Carlow.
CRAWL + O [anagram]
4 implicit.
IM + P + L +IC + IT
9 clinch.
10 ill-treat.
ALL + TRITE [anagram]
12 eerie.
13 congenial.
15 say.
S +[L] + AY
16 enact.
AC + [CID] +ent [anagram]
17 tartan.
TAR[sailor] + TAN [Natalie back] = plaid
22 latent.
LATE + N + T
24 Cabra.
27 ash.
ASH [ found in a grate]
28 altimeter.
LA + TERMITE [anagram]
31 eater.
EA + [S] + TER +[N] [lose the North N and South S]
32 whizz kid.
Sounds like Whisked
33 Tyrone.
TYR + ON + E
34 green tea.
GENERATE [anagram]
35 debris.
BRIDES [anagram]
1 cockerel.
CLOCK + RE + E [anagram]
2 railroad.
RAIL [ sounds like real] + ROAD
3 orchestra.
SHORT + RACE [anagram]
5 Malin.
MA + L + IN
6 lithe.
L + I + THE
7 cleric.
CIRCLE [anagram]
8 tattle.
TA + TT + LE
11 scythe.
CHESTY [anagram]
14 get.
18 retard.
RE + TAR + D [TAR in the RED]
19 archetype.
CHEAP TYRE [anagram]
20 abattoir.
A + BAT + TOIR [RIOT back]
21 fairness.
23 tee.
25 earwig.
26 stride.
29 Mizen.
30 tribe.
BI + [T] +TER [anagram after one T, i.e. noT, is removed]
Hi Tommy,
I'm 3-in-a-row against you now! But don't make them any tougher ... I'm just about getting them solved!
Today's puzzle was very like a Crosaire puzzle, I thought, with your own added flair (a compliment, I assure you!). Some notes I made while solving:
CARLOW: Loved this clue, with the image of "crawling around" CARLOW. Been there, done that!
CONGENIAL: Clue of the Day, I thought. Very nice.
CABRA: Another nice Irish reference. There were loads of Irish clues today. And have crawled around CABRA a few times too. My granny used to live there.
ASH: Ingrate ... classic Crosaire ... very nice.
GREEN TEA: This was the "best reading" clue today, I thought.
RAILROAD: Funny one, with the RAIL/real linkage. The best of the "Irish" clues for me.
TEE: More classic Crosaire. Nice.
MIZEN: Nicely paired with MALIN.
TRIBE: I do like your deletion clues. They're so well disguised.
Keep 'em coming, Tommy ...
Hi Tommy,
First time for me with your puzzles. Took a while. Nearly finished it but was tough. Great work though. Keep up the good work.
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