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See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

8 Did she invest in Acme Oils (8)
9 Guillotine the guillotined, to be going in the that direction (6)
10 The Scotsman is back in his London lair (6)
11 Oh how spineless, this fun guy is not so nice (8)
12 The Queen frosts around her ruddy cake (6)
13 Sounds both male and Sharon (8)
15 ... so good, you can sit on it, I hear (4)
17 Did I mention my anger at the sign of the dagger (7)
19 Its not for cornflakes that I slow down (7)
22 Length by breadth, you could almost stage an event here (4)
24 One was looking at one's nose with this (5-3)
27 Desmond was the winner. (6)
29 You could be wrong and in pain after tea with this edible pet (8)
30 Abundant high ball from the crease (6)
31 A vicar, of course (6)
32 Your entree to Dublin south, I hear (8)
1 Tin monkey for starters (6)
2 Bill went out of his mind tilting at one like Don Quixote (8)
3 A lady enumerator (8)
4 Fore and aft around, to remove by force (4,3)
5 I had a blow to get one (6)
6 Bright and merry around the holemaker in the west (6)
7 Press it smaller (8)
14 After tea this would ruffle your hair (4)
16 Like a native hardwood, all right (4)
18 He could be a manager of his own boat (8)
20 This spotted hen has six legs (8)
21 Did Roger smuggle these guns through a window (8)
23 Get this retinue together again (7)
25 Rodney is around with Sidney and not very nice (6)
26 Eastern Member with anger could rule here (6)
28 Listen in the vessel for the cutters (6)
Full Solution
8 camisole.
ACME OILS [anagram]
9 headed.
10 Camden.
CAM [MAC back] + DEN
11 ringworm.
RING [ O ] + WORM [spineless = invertebrate]
12 cerise.
ER + ICES [anagram]
13 ferryman.
FERRY [ sounds very ] + MEN [male], or [both sounds like BOAT + MAN = FERRYMAN], or CHARON [ferryman to Hades]
15 sofa.
[So far sounds like] SO FA
17 obelisk.
Cross[anger] + Reference[mention] symbol = OBELISK
19 slacken.
C + [OR] +N + [F] + LAKES [deletion ]
22 area.
ARE + [N] + A [deletion]
24 cross-eye.
27 desist.
DES + IST = STOP[period]
29 terrapin.
T + ERR + APIN [ anagram of PAIN]
30 bumper.
31 caviar.
A + VICAR [anagram]
32 Terenure.
UR + ENTREE [anagram]
1 canapé.
2 windmill.
WILL + MIND [anagram]
3 countess.
4 tear off.
FORE + AFT [anagram]
5 shiner.
6 Galway.
GAY + AWL [anagram]
7 decrease.
14 ease.
[T] + EASE
16 okay.
OAKY [anagram]
18 bargeman.
B + MANAGER [anagram]
20 ladybird.
21 casement.
23 reunite.
RETINUE [anagram]
25 sordid.
S + ROD + ID [anagram]
26 empire.
E + MP + IRE
28 shears.
S + HEAR + S
Hi there, Lockerman.
I am afraid I regressed this week. I missed the whole of the NE corner, because I had in BEHEAD instead of HEADED. That threw me completely.
Here are my notes along the way:
RINGWORM: Loved the "fun guy" reference, but even though I spotted it, I couldn't come up with RINGWORM
DESIST: nice clue, nice use of 1st.
CANAPE: short and sweet, very nice
TEAR OFF: Clue of the Day! You can spot some great anagrams, Tommy.
DECREASE: Lovely clue ... pity I screwed up with BEHEAD, so I missed it!
CASEMENT: I love a bit of history in my crossword! Great stuff.
The only thing missing was your trademark "physiclue", Tommy. I was looking out for it!
Thanks for sharing the puzzle. And keep 'em coming!
Hi Bill and Tommy
Although I was HEADED in the right direction, I still managed to make a hames of the N.E. section, drawing blanks and giving up on finding solutions... RINGWORM, FERRYMAN, SHINER and DECREASE.
...and totally independent of the N.E....I was short a BUMPER down south!
Also got the 'fun guy' ref Bill...but equally to no avail re getting the solution!
Clues I liked best today were
CAMDEN, GALWAY and TERENURE...each of these clues read really well...and all three places hold memories of wilder times way back then!
TERRAPIN...very literal clue, nicely walked to the solution...but the 'edible' bit suddenly threw me! Do humans actually eat terrapins?
SOFA...nice and quirky
CROSS-EYE...very graphic...had me pulling funny faces!
DESIST...lovely spare clue...
TEAR OFF...rip-roaring!
Thanks Tommy...great fun...now I just need to finish one of your brain-teasers!
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