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The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

1 If many had a bad name (6)
4 Neither parent saw the wider picture (8)
9 Jump into another year (6)
10 Predatory female? (3-5)
12 Below a grand in the States (5)
13 Get out of the way to walk around these three rocks (9)
15 Almost ask you where to find bloomers in London (3)
16 Take a single lice to the dance here (5)
17 I won, its amell (6)
22 Welfare statesman across the water, he wont drink by the Cork river (6)
24 Edward was axed from the episode and found his balance (5)
27 Long one back out of the wind (3)
28 Exaggerate where the ruler is (9)
31 The shady character is back in the red (5)
32 The holy man is on a flight path to the top floor (8)
33 This seed sounds like it going on, and on (6)
34 A sainted k before Easter (4,4)
35 Hundreds North in the ale, not straight (6)
1 To such an extent that this is a grand cushion (8)
2 Conifers will find the evidence (8)
3 Address in short from these swinging times (9)
5 'e nearly kept up with this native in the US (5)
6 The Greek, 'e paid 'omage, down to the last letter (5)
7 A short back and sides around the North, for some spirit in the glens (6)
8 Sounds like we're all eyes together (6)
11 No breaker afloat, too (2,4)
14 Like 6 down, around a Greek joint (3)
18 Oh I am allowed, of course (6)
19 Replace exceptional pip (9)
20 A perpetual journey there in Dublin, by the Great South Wall (8)
21 He may make you the start of 20 down (8)
23 The rodent may knock twice more (3)
25 So up we ate in Russia (6)
26 Roundabout in the House here, and way off track (6)
29 Southern team to make fast (5)
30 You wont cut butter with this saw (5)
Full Solution
1 infamy.
IF + MANY [anagram]
4 panorama.
9 spring.
10 man-eater.
12 minus.
M + IN + US
13 Stepaside.
STEP + ASIDE [suburb of Dublin]
15 Kew.
16 ceili.
I + LICE [anagram]
17 egoist.
EGO + IST [first], all about me
22 Attlee.
A + TT + LEE
24 poise.
EPISO[DE] anagram
27 lee.
28 overstate.
31 rogue.
ROUGE [anagram]
32 stairway.
33 cereal.
CEREAL sounds like serial
34 Holy Week.
35 bender.
BE + N + D + ER
1 insomuch.
M + CUSHION [anagram]
2 forensic.
CONIFERS [anagram]
3 miniskirt.
5 apace.
APAC [H] E deletion
6 omega.
OMAGE [anagram] 24th, and last letter of Greel alphabet
7 Antrim.
A + N + TRIM
8 agreed.
AGREED = ALL AYES[all in favour say AYE]
11 as well.
14 phi.
HIP [anagram] 21st letter of Greek alphabet
18 omelet.
O + ME + LET
19 supersede.
SUPER SEED [anagram]
20 Ringsend.
21 jeweller.
23 tat.
25 borsch.
26 derail.
D + [ER] + AIL
29 screw.
30 adage.
Hi Tommy,
Great puzzle today. Very Crosaire!! I am in a bit of a rush so can't leave a proper comment but just a quick question about one of the explanations to an answer. In 8 Down I thought ALL EYE'S sounded like ALLIES and they are all together and The answer was AGREED. Can you explain how AGREED comes about.
All the best,
Hi Mark,
thank you for your kind words.
Hi Tommy,
OK ... I found this one tough! However, many of the clues I missed, I am kicking myself over.
I had nothing for MAN EATER (I had ALLIES instead of AGREED ... so this threw me), APACE, STAIRWAY, HOLY WEEK (I had STEAM for SCREW ... so thrown here too), DERAIL (great clue), ADAGE (great clue), CEREAL, BENDER, ROGUE, JEWELLER (Good clue too).
My notes along the way:
PANORAMA: Classic!
STEPASIDE: Lookup of the Day, I am ashamed to say. I didn't know about the Three Rock Mountain connection, even though I used to drive my motorbike through Stepaside all the time!
ATTLEE: I do like a bit of history!
OVERSTATE: Nice clue.
HOLY WEEK: Clue of the Day for me, especially as I didn't get it. There was a real "aha" moment when I saw the answer.
FORENSIC: You do find some really cool anagrams, Tommy!
MINISKIRT: Tempted to call this my Clue of the Day, just because I like 'em!
AS WELL: Lovely clue.
OMELET: Another favorite.
BORSCH: Clever clue ... foxed me for a long time.
DERAIL: Missed it, and am ashamed as it's a great clue.
ADAGE: Another great clue that I couldn't solve!!
It's running into roadblocks like this that makes me resolve to completely solve your next puzzle, Tommy!
Hi Tommy
I really did persevere but was totally defeated...missed DERAIL, MANEATER, AGREED, APACE, CEREAL, EGOIST, ROGUE, STAIRWAY, ADAGE...and PHI! And I only got ATTLEE by default from the down clues...
Of course I wish I'd got them all, but I really, really wish I'd got EGOIST, ROGUE, DERAIL, APACE and STAIRWAY...loved those ones!
And then there were the ones I got! Of those my favourites were STEPASIDE, PANORAMA, FORENSIC, BORSCH, HOLY WEEK and the RINGSEND/JEWELLER duo AS WELL!
Thanks Tommy
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