Sunday, July 26, 2009
SunWeb10 by Athos
Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
8 This degree and pi give a pure line age (8)
9 A rough edge before around here, is in the west (6)
10 Leased in the river, wipe it out (6)
11 Nothing doing, in this positive charge (8)
12 California circle, I’ve got that loving feeling (6)
13 Neither the seaman nor Malcolm are freakish (8)
15 I will, in the sea (4)
17 The candle is about to go out, on the east coast (7)
19 This noisy snake has lost its head after tea, what a gossip (7)
22 Sounds just like an Irishman from abroad (4)
24 Sonar B, I hear, carried by C (8)
27 This young man was in a desperate condition during May (6)
29 The officer and the mortar, can get you there by road (5-3)
30 Music for one voice, temperamental around the North (6)
31 At last I have the greens for my salad (6)
32 Fish and two Queens, loiters aimlessly (8)
1 Look Patrick, it's about the old money in Spain (6)
2 A ABBA tells us where you are from (8)
3 One horse at the opera, did not play the notes simultaneously (8)
4 Declan, I am Alan, can we come to the point (7)
5 No thanks in the container to get this (6)
6 Right after this container, after the blast (6)
7 Reckon on nothing after the last month, to give him a medal (8)
14 Danje, merci or danke here, not the first Greek to me (4)
16 A bird like this, on the Nile (4)
18 Hard to jump, sounds like I am stuck in the cold (3-5)
20 This man tamer, wanted for a war (8)
21 Thanks before Easter Edward, you are given the present (8)
23 The French brief is about, and running a fever (7)
25 This smell is all right, that is a better (6)
26 This brace has lost it’s head, what a din (6)
28 This river is not even back in the red (6)
Full Solution
8 pedigree.
DEGREE + PI [anagram]
9 Burren.
BURR + EN [the letter before O - the ring]
10 delete.
DE + [LET} +E
11 inaction.
IN + CATION[anagram}
12 caring.
13 abnormal.
15 isle.
ISLE sounds like I’ll
17 Wicklow.
19 tattler.
[R] + ATTLER replace the R with T
22 afar.
AFAR sound like A + FEAR[Gaelic for man]
24 seaborne.
SONAR + BEE [anagram]
27 malady.
MA + [LAD] + Y
29 motor-car.
CO + MORTAR [anagram]
30 monody.
MO + [N] + ODY
31 endive.
32 lingerer.
1 peseta.
SEE + PAT [anagram]
2 limerick.
LIMERICK rhyme scheme AABBA
3 arpeggio.
I + GG + OPERA [anagram]
4 decimal.
5 obtain.
O + B [TA] IN
6 crater.
7 decorate.
14 beta.
BE [ Belgium] + TA [thank you]
16 swan.
[A] + SWAN [ city on the Nile]
18 ice-bound.
ICE [hard] + BOUND
20 armament.
MAN TAMER [anagram]
21 talented.
TA + LENT + ED = gifted
23 febrile.
BRIEF [anagram] + LE
25 bookie.
BO + OK + IE
26 racket.
28 Dodder.
D + ODD + ER
Sunday, July 19, 2009
SunWeb9 by Athos
Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
1 A thousand iconic lasses brought about this style revival (13)
10 There is no trail after this state, in which that woman be (7)
11 Let it go, about 50 x East, I hear (7)
12 Either way mother is back, and angry in the West (4)
13 I am not in the pink, at the foot of a cliff (5)
15 A cot, sounds like this duel has a hole in it (4)
17 Have a meal, but no grand meat (3)
19 Be quiet, the Welsh vegetable is about for some foreign money (6)
21 This show-off is so pure (6)
22 The Queen has come after Laurence is back on the dry, the noisy viper (7)
23 It’s about this string of crimes you have committed (6)
25 With native intent, tea and peach have too ease, I hear (6)
27 This bounder cannot draw (3)
29 Would take this for furniture (4)
30 On ahead of the Queen, it is a joke (5)
31 Beatrice is right; he is a beast (4)
34 Do doctors run things this way (7)
35 I have come afterwards alone (7)
36 Essentially, the analysts have built well (13)
2 In the East, get up around the French five and have eaten (7)
3 Not a grand champion this lad (4)
4 Sounds immediately like a French echo of sweet tooth (2,4)
5 This sphere is inset for a tasty desert (6)
6 One hundred Alfred, this young mammal (4)
7 Climb the north-east slopes from different sides (7)
8 This assistant, of course, from the East gives only one portion, pity (13)
9 Before eleven, Arthur, the king of the East is indeed compassionate (6-7)
14 This sober artist takes the blame and is caught here (3-4)
16 This fruit, sounds like a French hat (5)
18 A bit for a hole, or in a pig (5)
20 Why not after the lord’s wife, like the end of 3 down (3)
21 There is not fifty in this skin, my dear (3)
24 Have a cuppa at the castle, are you coming after tea? (7)
26 The vicar is back in the bucket, to win the argument (7)
27 Arrived with the artist, to take a picture (6)
28 Edward’s about and you’re not in the picture to show it (6)
32 To a degree on board sing low or catch one (4)
33 Even when this virus loses its head, it can bring an animal down by the legs (4)
Full Solution
1 neoclassicism.
M + ICONIC + LASSES [anagram]
10 oregano.
OREGAN + O = [ a HER + B]
11 release.
RE + L + EASE[ E’s]
12 ma'am.
13 scree.
CER + [I] + SE [lose the I]
15 bead.
A + BED [ anagram]
17 eat.
[M] + EAT
19 shekel.
SH + LEEK [anagram]
21 poseur.
SO + PURE [anagram]
22 rattler.
RA + TT + L + ER
23 record.
25 teepee.
T + EE + P + EE
27 cad.
29 teak.
TAKE [anagram]
30 caper.
31 bear.
34 operate.
OPERATE [ surgery or run a business]
35 isolate.
36 substantially.
ANALYSTS + BUILT [anagram]
2 elevate.
E + LE + V + ATE
3 chap.
CHA + [M] + P , not a grand [M], deletion
4 at once.
TOUTE + SUITE = immediately = at once
5 sorbet.
S + ORB + ET
6 calf.
7 scalene.
SCALE + NE [ a triangle having three sides of different lengths]
8 commiseration.
9 tender-hearted.
TEN + DE + [RH + E + ART ]+ ED
14 rat-trap.
16 berry.
BERRY sounds like BERET
18 borer.
BO + R + ER
20 lad.
LAD +[Y] deletion
21 pet.
PE + [L] + T deletion
24 château.
26 prevail.
27 camera.
28 depict.
DE + PICT + [URE] deletion
32 bass.
33 bola.
[E] + BOLA deletion
Sunday, July 12, 2009
SunWeb8 by Athos
Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
1 Does the Queen’s train stop here, to buy some pens and paper (9)
9 Sounds like this rod is a German one, good for a bite (6)
10 A piano, it’s a little French one, of course (8)
11 This clergyman has not prostate problems and a docked tail (6)
12 It’s 50-50 Peter was shot (6)
14 After one hundred you can barge through it (4)
15 Chews this I hear, even with numbers (5)
16 Cut off the East and it will not bend (6)
18 The sailor and the lawyer head East to the ship, it’s a sore point (7)
21 He was let out, even around the sheltered side (7)
24 It’s back to back , to casually play the French horn (6)
26 As it were, after nothing at all, in a dry place (5)
30 After being quiet, this nobleman came out of his shell (4)
31 For an ingenious plan, use less than a cleaver (6)
32 Near around dry, but never shut up (6)
33 I see you have got the evening paper in your arms to shield you (8)
34 South and Albert, sounds like a soul with straps (6)
35 Honorary with fifty and he knows nothing (9)
2 A priest on the tear, useful if the beer runs out (6)
3 Sing so high, a true-blue with no ewes (6)
4 This patio to the East, has come from a garden of poppies (6)
5 Loosen XI, I hear and then had a meal, to climb up (7)
6 After the eruption has gone cold, is this the degree of an old sailor? (6)
7 The single lady has an attempt, I hear, it was thrown out by a judge(8)
8 She was a red-hot bet to get a ring (9)
11 Grateful after the fathers, with an Italian meal (5)
13 This ellipse sounds as if it hasn’t one from around the mouth (4)
17 Malice, this feline has it back in the Loch (9)
19 The lawyer is making a trip to gather information (8)
20 Don’t shake the bard and lose his tail, just to make this point (5)
22 This liar travels back by train (4)
23 Flipper, sound like an aged Finn around (7)
25 Tolerance, a little Scottish and not a cleric about (6)
27 The lawyer is in need of a bit of a turn to the East (6)
28 To the south-east Albert met the Queen and he makes an impression (6)
29 Dirty, sounds like I am back in the beer (6)
Full Solution
1 stationer.
9 canine.
Sounds like CANE + EIN = CANINE
10 appetite.
A + P[iano] + PETITE[ a little French]
11 pastor.
No T in PROS[T]AT[E] and lose the tail[E][anagram]
12 pellet.
PETE + L+ L[anagram]
14 anal.
[C] + ANAL
15 elect.
ELECT or SELECT with no S[numbers= no.s]
16 strict.
Sever +e =severe = STRICT
18 abscess.
AB + SC + E + SS
21 parolee.
24 tootle.
TO + OT + LE
26 oasis.
30 earl.
31 clever.
CLE + [A] + VER [lose the A]
32 natter.
NA + TT + ER[anagram]
33 heraldic.
34 sandal.
S + AND + AL
35 unlearned.
2 tapper.
PP + TEAR [anagram] = TAPPER, one who taps a keg of beer
3 treble.
TR + [U] + E + BL+ [U] + E [ lose the two U’s, no use]
4 opiate.
PATIO + E [anagram]
5 elevate.
Lose the EN in ELEVEN = ELEV + ATE
6 basalt.
7 mistrial.
8 betrothed.
RED + HOT + BET [anagram]
11 pasta.
13 else.
EL+[LIP]+SE [hasn’t got one LIP, deletion]
17 cattiness.
19 scouting.
20 spear.
[SHAKE] + SPEAR + [E] delete the SHAKE and lose the E
22 rail.
LIAR back is RAIL
23 dolphin.
OLD[aged] + PHIN[sounds like FINN] anagram
25 leeway.
WEE + LAY [anagram]
27 scarce.
SC + ARC + E
28 sealer.
29 bemire.
BE + MI[I’M back] + RE
Sunday, July 5, 2009
SunWeb7 by Athos
Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
1 This war camp and the little one, on the floor of a cave? (10)
6 Meat on a stick lacks potassium, give it back to the little one (4)
10 Ah, you and 510, I hear (5)
11 Where this ruler had his meal, and ruled (9)
12 What a pain, The Saint and the US agents were around twice (8)
13 Over one foot, to the North around the lake (5)
15 Put it in the rock and stir it up (7)
17 This Mandarin, in the Orient he fired before the rest (7)
19 Hang on you greens, to the Italian and his doctor after ten (7)
21 This lobster keeps his head high while he sleeps (7)
22 On ahead again, on ahead again (5)
24 This is an immaculate concept, for the saints on the poles (8)
27 Not in continuous, harmless really (9)
28 100 x E. Sounds like you should stop (5)
29 He’s the mother of the French (4)
30 Look back on, the rocky mountaintop is around in respect (10)
1 If the sheath is cut by Shakespeare, he’ll break no strike (4)
2 This is much more serious than a child sleeping (9)
3 Is this where you get the smell of Italian coffee? (5)
4 You’re in 1004 to the East, stupid. That’s big (7)
5 After tea, I will grow old, like the crops in the field (7)
7 It is a surprise to be taken by this (5)
8 Holmes, “that’s easy for you to say” (10)
9 Very nice. ‘ER House is like this (8)
14 You can blooming well eat the lot of this autumn stir (10)
16 Tunes at speed, above the ground (8)
18 No will of his own, in the trial before he had eaten (9)
20 Fifty one’s and more, so graceful (7)
21 These wardrobes need no advertisement for the viewer (7)
23 It could be Royal, or could it be Grand (5)
25 This grass-hopper has lost its tail to become a set of points (5)
26 Swords into ploughshares after this, Is. (4)
Full Solution
1 stalagmite.
6 babe.
[K] + EBAB [ backwards ]
10 audio.
A + U + D + IO
11 sultanate.
12 sciatica.
ST + CIA +CIA[anagram]
13 ankle.
N + LAKE [anagram]
15 agitate.
IT + A + GATE [anagram]
17 elitist.
E + LIT+ IST [first place, ahead of the rest]
19 tendril.
TEN + DR + IL [he, male Italian]
21 bolster.
LOBSTER [anagram]
22 recap.
24 spotless.
STS + POLES[anagram]
27 innocuous.
CON [T] INUOUS [ no-T lose the T, anagram]
28 cease.
100 =C + EASE = E’s
29 male.
30 retrospect.
RE + TRO [TOR around] + SPECT
1 scab.
SCAB + BARD [delete BARD]
2 abduction.
Kid napping = ABDUCTION
3 aroma.
4 massive.
M [1000] + ASS [stupid] + IV [four] + E [East]
5 tillage.
T + I’LL + AGE
7 aback.
8 elementary.
ELEMENTARY, as said by Sherlock Homes
9 palatial.
ER House= queen’s palace = PALATIAL
14 nasturtium.
AUTUMN + STIR [anagram]
16 airspace.
18 intestate.
IN + TEST[trial] + ATE
20 lissome.
L + I’S [one’s] + SOME
21 browser.
W +[A] + R +[D] + ROBES [delete ADvertisement, anagram]
23 canal.
The ROYAL canal or the GRAND canal in Ireland
25 locus.
26 beat.
‘BEAT swords into ploughshares’, Isaiah II
Solved Grid
Puzzle for printing.
Double-click (left mouse button) on the image, then right-click and select Print Picture from the drop-down menu. For best result, select Landscape oientation from your printer's Preferences.