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See the solutions. The Grid Solved.The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.
8 I am hailed by the seaside north of Dublin (8)
9 Ah, your old father's about and you don't care (6)
10 Rein in the orange-brown horse (6)
11 Sent it back around the north-east with feeling (8)
12 With fifty and the lady's crown you might be caught in the loop (6)
13 The gall of that outside the city (8)
15 Sounds like you might cry this after a row (4)
17 A grand mistake before the charge in the square in Dublin (7)
19 A garland, cut in the county (7)
22 Stop the flow with the saint when I come back (4)
24 Sounds like a hair-do he has eaten passes through (8)
27 This miss has not run over and out (6)
29 A clean bin to hold the compass on board (8)
30 Scotsman back for the crude metal (2,4)
31 Sounds like you agree to sow it (6)
32 Pass away north after this honour before tea and be compliant (8)
1 This layer is no animal (6)
2 The French boar gave us a song and sounded untruthful (8)
3 After 51 and A, the river mammal came back in this musical script (8)
4 It's a wise bet that you'll find it online (7)
5 The Cardinal has lost his identity and become of the flesh (6)
6 The captain has lost his head on the surface of the metal (6)
7 Kidnap on board, in this Eastern city (8)
14 Grain cereal in by this Cheltenham district (4)
16 Not out on the street this month (4)
18 Sounds like I'll look through it to put it together (3-5)
20 God with us, I am around by hand and back with the French (8)
21 The part of the wheel in the rut with six and the three in charge of old Rome (8)
23 The Queen dotes on shipworm (7)
25 Where to get a stable diet with 1000 cross (6)
26 Bowed to reach hundreds (6)
28 Unpredictable ranter (6)
Full Solution
8 Malahide.
AM HAILED [anagram]
9 apathy.
A + PA + THY
10 ginger.
REIN + GG [anagram]
11 sentient.
SENT IT NE [anagram]
12 lariat.
L + TIARA [anagram]
13 Tallaght.
GALL + THAT [anagram]
15 tier.
17 Merrion.
19 Leitrim.
22 stem.
24 permeate.
27 maiden.
MAIDEN [over as in cricket]
29 binnacle.
CLEAN + BIN [anagram]
30 no more.
31 accede.
ACCEDE [ sounds like 'a seed']
32 obedient.
OBE + DIE + N + T
1 lamina.
ANIMAL [anagram]
2 sanglier.
3 libretto.
4 website.
WISE + BET [anagram]
5 carnal.
CAR [DI] NAL deletion
6 patina.
[C] APTAIN [deletion anagram]
7 shanghai.
14 arle.
[B] ARLE [Y]
16 INST.
18 eye-piece.
20 Emmanuel.
21 triumvir.
RIM + RUT + VI [anagram]
23 teredos.
ER + DOTES [anagram]
25 manger.
26 arched.
REACH + D [anagram]
28 errant.
RANTER [anagram]
Solved Grid
Hi Tommy,
It looks like the copy in the post is from a prior puzzle. But the printout is just fine.
It was an excellent puzzle, Tommy, I thought. I only missed one, and when I saw the answer it quickly shot to the number one spot as Clue of the Day: MISS WORLD. I don't mind missing one answer when the clue is so clever.
My notes along the way:
E-COSY-STEM: a nicely parsed word ... I never would have seen it!
OSSIFY: lovely "sounds like" clue.
LEE: the first of a fine set of bobby clues today.
SETANTA: Lookup of the Day!
BATTERIES: I don't know why, but this fairly obvious anagram took me forever!
SINISTRAL: a well-disguised deletion, and bronze medal for Clue of the Day in my book.
INSIDE JOB: nice use of "patient man" ... might steal that one!
FLORIN: Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Runner up for Clue of the Day, and it was close!
One of your best so far, in my humble opinion. Many thanks!
Hi Tommy and Bill
I usually browse with Mozilla Firefox but had to switch to Int. Explorer today to print the puzzle...refused to open in Firefox...anyway the main thing is...I got it...and you got me...like Bill...shamefully MISSed WORLD!...and also missed (in Bill's words!) the 'well-disguised deletion' (of 'we') in 7d and somehow ended up with SINISTRAE...A-SISTER-IN...not an outLAW...or some such lack of logic!!
You spot some great anagram material Tommy...I loved EARWIG...and 'neglectful of fifty'/GENUFLECT...I'd be on my knees trying to spot that as a compiler (which I'm not)!
ECOSYSTEM was another great 'find'...
NO SHOW...loved this... although when I came up with the solution initially, the 'sounds like' put me off awhile...it was more a 'looks like' to me?!
OSSIFY, CAREEN and DIVINE were among my other favourites...but those hard men Robert and Bobby get my No. 1 slot today!
Thanks for a lovely puzzle Tommy
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