Sunday, September 27, 2009

SunWeb19 by Athos

Welcome to SunWeb19

Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

1 Put the flowers underground in London (10)
6 Thanks for the rustling in Ulster, of old (4)
10 Up there in 6 across a clumsy favourite (5)
11 Change oar and we'll moor here (9)
12 River rodent, we art twice around (5,3)
13 Praise from ten to fifty back East (5)
15 Fifty-one pig calls about to keep one dry (7)
17 I was not a little upset about work, in a manner of speaking (7)
19 Splash out in these pools, whether you've won them or not (7)
21 The crazy liar is in charge on board (7)
22 Once had fifty inside, that is before he left home (5)
24 His own girl, by the Scots reasoning (8)
27 Its about napkins when running before the wind (9)
28 Inverse of a low dove's lovesong from the Orient, I hear (5)
29 You should eat this fruit when you meet the lady (4)
30 Beat it a hundred times on a road back from Bertie's place (10)

1 Neither an A or a C rig on board (4)
2 Protected worker above everyone Edward (9)
3 No finish, he's on the dry after mother in the Orient (5)
4 This African War brought sad images from a far bin (7)
5 The performance, make it real about a hundred (7)
7 Fat sailor in retrospect (5)
8 Fifty eyes and fifty ends, to no avail (10)
9 Zorba gave his twelfth letter back with force, after an instant (8)
14 Flattened by her rule about in the fish (10)
16 I've seen your ilk Kenneth in the Southeast (8)
18 Afraid, if retired (9)
20 Speaks about hunting (7)
21 An arm and a leg without the French, is what this is (7)
23 501 nothing in it fool (5)
25 A brute encountered on swift journeys (5)
26 Ancient childminder in the West Indies (4)

Full Solution
1 Bloomsbury.
6 Tain.
10 inept.
IN + PET [anagram]
11 anchorage.
CHANGE + OAR [anagram]
12 water rat.
WE +ART+ ART [anagram]
13 extol.
E + X + TO + L
15 oilskin.
LI+ OINKS [anagram]
17 litotes.
SET + TOIL [anagram]
19 puddles.
21 admiral.
MAD + LIAR [anagram]
22 exile.
EX + I + L + E
24 analysis.
AIN + LASSY [anagram]
27 spinnaker.
RE + NAPKINS [anagram]
28 haiku.
HIGH COO sounds like HAIKU
29 date.
30 Drumcondra.
DRUM + C + ON + DR + A

1 brig.
2 overalled.
3 matte.
MA + TT + E
4 Biafran.
A FAR BIN [anagram]
5 recital.
IT + REAL + C [anagram]
7 abaft.
FAT + AB [anagram]
8 needlessly.
L + EYES + L + ENDS [anagram]
9 momentum.
MOMENT + MU[back]
14 compressed.
COD + EMPRESS [anagram]
16 Kilkenny.
18 terrified.
IF + RETIRED [anagram]
20 stalker.
21 anagram.
AN + ARM +A + [LE]G [anagram]
23 idiot.
I [ DI + O ] T
25 yahoo.
YAHOO [ from Gulliver's Travels by J. Swift]
26 Cuba.

Solved Grid

Sunday, September 20, 2009

SunWeb18 by Athos

Welcome to SunWeb18

Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

1 If many had a bad name (6)
4 Neither parent saw the wider picture (8)
9 Jump into another year (6)
10 Predatory female? (3-5)
12 Below a grand in the States (5)
13 Get out of the way to walk around these three rocks (9)
15 Almost ask you where to find bloomers in London (3)
16 Take a single lice to the dance here (5)
17 I won, its amell (6)
22 Welfare statesman across the water, he wont drink by the Cork river (6)
24 Edward was axed from the episode and found his balance (5)
27 Long one back out of the wind (3)
28 Exaggerate where the ruler is (9)
31 The shady character is back in the red (5)
32 The holy man is on a flight path to the top floor (8)
33 This seed sounds like it going on, and on (6)
34 A sainted k before Easter (4,4)
35 Hundreds North in the ale, not straight (6)

1 To such an extent that this is a grand cushion (8)
2 Conifers will find the evidence (8)
3 Address in short from these swinging times (9)
5 'e nearly kept up with this native in the US (5)
6 The Greek, 'e paid 'omage, down to the last letter (5)
7 A short back and sides around the North, for some spirit in the glens (6)
8 Sounds like we're all eyes together (6)
11 No breaker afloat, too (2,4)
14 Like 6 down, around a Greek joint (3)
18 Oh I am allowed, of course (6)
19 Replace exceptional pip (9)
20 A perpetual journey there in Dublin, by the Great South Wall (8)
21 He may make you the start of 20 down (8)
23 The rodent may knock twice more (3)
25 So up we ate in Russia (6)
26 Roundabout in the House here, and way off track (6)
29 Southern team to make fast (5)
30 You wont cut butter with this saw (5)

Full Solution
1 infamy.
IF + MANY [anagram]
4 panorama.
9 spring.
10 man-eater.
12 minus.
M + IN + US
13 Stepaside.
STEP + ASIDE [suburb of Dublin]
15 Kew.
16 ceili.
I + LICE [anagram]
17 egoist.
EGO + IST [first], all about me
22 Attlee.
A + TT + LEE
24 poise.
EPISO[DE] anagram
27 lee.
28 overstate.
31 rogue.
ROUGE [anagram]
32 stairway.
33 cereal.
CEREAL sounds like serial
34 Holy Week.
35 bender.
BE + N + D + ER
1 insomuch.
M + CUSHION [anagram]
2 forensic.
CONIFERS [anagram]
3 miniskirt.
5 apace.
APAC [H] E deletion
6 omega.
OMAGE [anagram] 24th, and last letter of Greel alphabet
7 Antrim.
A + N + TRIM
8 agreed.
AGREED = ALL AYES[all in favour say AYE]
11 as well.
14 phi.
HIP [anagram] 21st letter of Greek alphabet
18 omelet.
O + ME + LET
19 supersede.
SUPER SEED [anagram]
20 Ringsend.
21 jeweller.
23 tat.
25 borsch.
26 derail.
D + [ER] + AIL
29 screw.
30 adage.

Solved Grid

Sunday, September 13, 2009

SunWeb17 by Athos

Welcome to SunWeb17

Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

1 Its very moving to take a flight (9)
9 Is Graham up north (6)
10 I see a list after the piggery, in a manner of speaking (9)
11 Did he slip back in the long one, to cover the crown (6)
12 Ran out 150 in Ulster, by night (9)
13 For all it's like a bloomer (6)
17 One of these would make you wonder, once (3)
19 This terminal has a feline brick carrier to the east (7)
20 No ten could fly in England but not in part here (3-4)
21 This water is ever about in verse (3)
23 55 North about 3 e's inside (6)
27 It is that I can put a value on it (9)
28 Poke at the French, steady on (6)
29 It's crazy to take it out of the oven during the interval (4-5)
30 The Scotsman is around sir, with prejudice (6)
31 They'd dare to remove the water (9)

2 No drink for us back on the Northside (6)
3 Recede about fifty by erosion (6)
4 Become imbued around south after the seaman (6)
5 Are the Magi back in the fold here (7)
6 Interpret the art back up north on the roof (9)
7 Spoil more Albert with streaks and veins (9)
8 Feel fifty fish defore it goes off (5,4)
14 Roy came around after the saints had a hundred in one, in a supportive role (9)
15 Natter on cue by making this (9)
16 Sounds like four suits reclaimed the mortgage (9)
17 With a German one in this place (3)
18 Towards the east on foot (3)
22 Leave two poles to subjugate (7)
24 This fifty sounds a bit iffy as it divides the city (6)
25 This market sounds very unconventional (6)
26 Fifty one in small change for the customer (6)

Full Solution
1 escalator.
9 Armagh.
GRAHAM [anagram]
10 stylistic.
STY + LIST + I + C
11 enamel.
E + NAM + EL
12 nocturnal.
RAN + OUT + CL + N [anagram]
13 floral.
FOR + ALL [floral]
17 hit.
19 cathode.
20 out-half.
No. 10 position in rugby team, fly-half or OUT [not in] + HALF [part]
21 ree.
23 eleven.
E + E + E + LV + N [anagram]
27 estimable.
EST [it is] + I'M ABLE
28 stable.
29 half-baked.
30 racism.
MAC +SIR [anagram]
31 dehydrate.
THEY'D + DARE [anagram]

2 Sutton.
TT + US + ON [anagram]
3 ablate.
ABATE + L [ anagram]
4 absorb.
AB + S + ORB
5 origami.
MAGI + ROI [anagram]
6 translate.
ART + N + SLATE [anargam]
7 marmoreal.
8 shelf life.
FEEL + L + FISH [anagram]
14 accessory.
A [C]CE + SS + ORY
15 utterance.
NATTER + CUE [anagram]
16 foreclose.
17 her.
18 toe.
TO + E
22 enslave.
24 Liffey.
25 bazaar.
BAZAAR [souns like bizarre]
26 client.

Solved Grid

Sunday, September 6, 2009

SunWeb16 by Athos

Welcome to SunWeb16
If you experience any difficulty viewing or printing the pdf files, please let me know in the Commentary. I have viewed sucessfully with Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

Print the puzzle(pdf). Grid and clues on one landscape page.
Print the grid alone. A larger grid for easier entry.
See the solutions. The Grid Solved.
The solutions explained. A full explanation of the solutions.

8 Did she invest in Acme Oils (8)
9 Guillotine the guillotined, to be going in the that direction (6)
10 The Scotsman is back in his London lair (6)
11 Oh how spineless, this fun guy is not so nice (8)
12 The Queen frosts around her ruddy cake (6)
13 Sounds both male and Sharon (8)
15 ... so good, you can sit on it, I hear (4)
17 Did I mention my anger at the sign of the dagger (7)
19 Its not for cornflakes that I slow down (7)
22 Length by breadth, you could almost stage an event here (4)
24 One was looking at one's nose with this (5-3)
27 Desmond was the winner. (6)
29 You could be wrong and in pain after tea with this edible pet (8)
30 Abundant high ball from the crease (6)
31 A vicar, of course (6)
32 Your entree to Dublin south, I hear (8)

1 Tin monkey for starters (6)
2 Bill went out of his mind tilting at one like Don Quixote (8)
3 A lady enumerator (8)
4 Fore and aft around, to remove by force (4,3)
5 I had a blow to get one (6)
6 Bright and merry around the holemaker in the west (6)
7 Press it smaller (8)
14 After tea this would ruffle your hair (4)
16 Like a native hardwood, all right (4)
18 He could be a manager of his own boat (8)
20 This spotted hen has six legs (8)
21 Did Roger smuggle these guns through a window (8)
23 Get this retinue together again (7)
25 Rodney is around with Sidney and not very nice (6)
26 Eastern Member with anger could rule here (6)
28 Listen in the vessel for the cutters (6)

Full Solution
8 camisole.
ACME OILS [anagram]
9 headed.

10 Camden.
CAM [MAC back] + DEN
11 ringworm.
RING [ O ] + WORM [spineless = invertebrate]
12 cerise.
ER + ICES [anagram]
13 ferryman.
FERRY [ sounds very ] + MEN [male], or [both sounds like BOAT + MAN = FERRYMAN], or CHARON [ferryman to Hades]
15 sofa.
[So far sounds like] SO FA
17 obelisk.
Cross[anger] + Reference[mention] symbol = OBELISK
19 slacken.
C + [OR] +N + [F] + LAKES [deletion ]
22 area.
ARE + [N] + A [deletion]
24 cross-eye.
27 desist.
DES + IST = STOP[period]
29 terrapin.
T + ERR + APIN [ anagram of PAIN]
30 bumper.
31 caviar.
A + VICAR [anagram]
32 Terenure.
UR + ENTREE [anagram]

1 canapé.
2 windmill.
WILL + MIND [anagram]
3 countess.
4 tear off.
FORE + AFT [anagram]
5 shiner.
6 Galway.
GAY + AWL [anagram]
7 decrease.
14 ease.
[T] + EASE
16 okay.
OAKY [anagram]
18 bargeman.
B + MANAGER [anagram]
20 ladybird.
21 casement.
23 reunite.
RETINUE [anagram]
25 sordid.
S + ROD + ID [anagram]
26 empire.
E + MP + IRE
28 shears.
S + HEAR + S

Solved Grid